Showing posts with label Error handling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Error handling. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Detailed Exception class

   The C# StackTrace class can be useful for logging the source of errors, but when your assembly is built in Release mode, you lose valuable information in the StackFrame, like the line number, the column number or the file name.

   Part of my error handling strategy involved setting an error string, and using StackTrace to log the function calling the setter and the location in the code the error occurred. Unfortionatly, as mentioned above, I was losing error information like line number, and that kind of information sure is nice to have. Thats why I invented the DetailedException class.

   In .NET 4.5, one can get caller information by the use of default value parameters tagged with an special attribute, namely CallerFilePathAttribute, CallerMemberNameAttribute, CallerLineNumberAttribute.

How about a code example:

 public class DetailedException : Exception
  public int SourceLineNumber { get; private set; }
  public string SourceFilePath { get; private set; }
  public string SourceMemberName { get; private set; }
  public DetailedException(string message,
     [CallerMemberName] string sourceMemberName = "",
     [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "",
     [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0)
   : base(message)
   this.SourceMemberName = sourceMemberName;
   this.SourceFilePath = sourceFilePath;
   this.SourceLineNumber = sourceLineNumber;

   Now if you have to throw an exception, throw new DetailedException("Testing DetailedException. WOW. SUCH DETAILS."); and you will gain information like SourceLineNumber!

   If you decide to overload the constructor, be warned: You will be required to use named parameters when calling the DetailedException constructor

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Certificate Enumerator

     Recently, my windows quit updating. Just prior to that, I had been messing around with my certificate store, so I suspected that to be the cause. Running Microsoft's troubleshooter reset the download, which I had a lot of hope of fixing the issue, but the download still continued to to fail. I decided to check the Windows Event Logs, and that's where I found an error message about a certificate in the chain failing. I knew it! However, I did not know whether a trusted certificate accidentally got put in the untrusted store, or whether an untrusted certificate was accidentally put in the trusted store. I needed a way to search all of my certificates' thumbprints or serial numbers against a know repository of trusted or untrusted certificates.
    Microsoft's certificate snap-in for MMC does not allow you to view certificates in an efficient way. Opening them one at a time, manually, and then scrolling all the way down to where the thumbprint is displayed to compare it to a webpage is painful. Also, I was not satisfied with the way that Microsoft allows you to search the certificate store. The search is not very effective and you cant even search for thumbprints! Also I do not believe the search feature allows you anyway to copy any of that information to clipboard.
Most of what I needed to accomplish could simply be done if I could just export all of my computers certificates thumbprint or serial numbers to a text file, csv file, or other simple and searchable format. Then I thought to myself, I know how to do that! It was the great the lack of features of the MMC certificate snap-in, and the inability to search for certificate thumbprints that inspired me to write my own certificate utility, known simply as Certificate Enumerator.

     CertificateEnumerator can list every certificate in your various certificate stores for your local machine and currently logged in user. It can then display that information to you either in a DataGridView or TextBox (as columnarized text), and provides the ability to persist that information to file as text, comma separated values (CSV), excel format or HTML table.

     The Certificate Enumerator also has the ability to 'validate' each certificate against its CRL (certificate revocation list), if it supplied one.

     The GUI could really use some love. In case you missed it, the project is on my GitHub, so feel free to download the source and play with it. If you come up with useful, submit a pull request.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hindenbugs, Heisenbugs and other types of software bugs

Different Types of Software Bugs

    Sorry, I haven't gotten around to creating a new post in close to a month (yikes!). I have just been super busy at work and have been trying to complete about 3 out of several not-quite-finished personal projects that I will be releasing on GitHub and blogging about

    1) A software bug that disappears or alters its behavior by the action of attempting to debug it.
    Possible sources: The effect of debuggers on the run-time code or JIT can be one source. Another might arise because of process scheduling or threading and race conditions. Or both, as stepping through the code with a debugger will affect the timing of threads.
    Derivation: Werner Heisenberg and his Uncertainty Principle.

    1) A bug whose causes are so complex it defies repair, or makes its behavior appear chaotic or even non-deterministic. Other symptoms include core dumps that, when viewed in an editor, form complex but repeating patterns or designs of characters and symbols.
    Possible sources: Operating system environment or configuration, the presence or absence of file system objects, time or scheduling-dependent code. Also, a very complicated state machine esp. one with more than one variable that hold state information and where transitions may not exists for every possible permutation of one state to another.
    Derivation: Benoît Mandelbrot and his research in fractal geometry.

    1) A bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.
    Possible sources: A combination of naughty coding practices such as coding by coincidence and something else that allows for unexpected behavior such as a the effect of custom configurations or compiler optimizations, code obfuscation, or the JIT or on code. Also, a dependency on some arcane piece of technology that no one truly understands or employment of a black-box system or library, or some ancient, dinosaur system with a highly specific configuration that is so fragile that no-one dares update it because said updates could likely or is known to break functionality and where even a reboot is considered hairy.
    Derivation: Named for Erwin Schrödinger and his thought experiment.

    1) In contrast to the Heisenbug, the Bohrbug, is a "good, solid bug", easy to hunt down, or easily predicted from the description, esp. when a bug is the result of a classical programming mistake, or 'a rookie move'.
    Possible sources: Failing to initialize a variable or class to anything other than null, failure to RTFM, misuse of pointers or general abuse of memory, not coding defensively, coding by coincidence or not truly understanding how (or why) your code works.
    Derivation: Named after the physicist Niels Bohr and his rather simple atomic model.

    1) A bug with catastrophic consequences, esp. one that actually causes the server to burst into bright, hot flames.
    Possible sources: Code that dynamically builds and executes SQL scripts, esp. scripts that make use of the DELETE FROM command, code that is self modifying or replicates, or code that controls large machines or a physical system such as pumps, belts, cooling systems, aggregate pulverizer, fans, or any sort of thing with large, rotating blades. Also, any software that controls, monitors, tests, or is in any way whatsoever, wired up to a tactical nuclear defense system. In fact, lets just include anything with 'nuclear' or 'pulverize' in the name.
    Derivation: Refers to the Hindenburg disaster. The Hindenburg Blimp was, in turn, named after Paul von Hindenburg, the then-president of Germany from 1925->1934.

    Kishor S. Trivedi has a great talk/slideshow about Software Faults, Failures and Their Mitigations. He posits that it is not realistic to write software that is 100% bug free, or have 100% up-time. He displays the downtime in terms of minutes per year (MPY?) of several reliable corporations to support his claims, and it is true that as far as I am aware,there have not been any software ever written that did not have some downtime, even NASA.
    However, Trivedi shares a quote by one E. W. Dijkstra: "Testing shows the presence, not the absence, of bugs". Aww, logic. Now that's something I can get behind. Indeed; It is impossible to provably show that any software (of sufficient complexity) is absolutely error-free.
    Following this, he suggests we should not strive for the virtually impossible task building fault-free software, but rather aim to build instead fault-tolerant software.

Software Faults -> Software Errors -> Software Failures

Software Faults lead to Software Errors that lead to Software Failures.

Trivedi defines faults, errors and failures:
      -Software Failure occurs when the delivered service no longer complies with the desired output.
      -Software Error is that part of the system state which is liable to lead to subsequent failure.
      -Software Fault is adjudged or hypothesized cause of an error.Faults are the cause of errors that may lead to failures

    So, how does one test their tactical nuclear defense system code? VERY carefully, and it probably wouldn't hurt to comment out the Launch() method as well.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Feature Flags Pattern

I was listening to Episode 1101 of the podcast Dot Net Rocks. Jez Humble was talking about the concept of Feature Toggles or Feature Flags. Feature Switches? While the term has some opinionated definitions, the concept that I found most interesting was the idea of deploying software with the new features initially disabled, or switched off by some mechanism. After you think the feature is ready for production, switch on the feature. If there is an issue, you don't have to roll back the version or deploy another release, just switch the feature back off again and replace its .dll. Didn't get enough debug information? Switch the feature back on and let a few crash reports trickle in and then switch it back off. If you feature is particularly processor or network intensive, you can perform load testing by slowly releasing the features to select clients or only part of the population/userbase.

While I personally choose an SQL table for my approach to storing the toggle switches (internal business app), one could use the application's .config file. An application could pull the settings from a .config file on a networked drive as a way of controlling multiple application instances by making one changed to a centralized location. Below I show a minimalist implementation by creating a Dictionary from the <appSettings> in a App.config file.


public static Dictionary<string, bool> GetFeatureFlags()
  return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys.ToDictionary(s => s, IsFlagSet);

public static bool IsFlagSet(string settingName)
  bool result = false;
  bool.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[settingName], out result);
  return result;

Of course with a dictionary you have to be careful that you don't try an access a column that does not exist with the indexer, so you might be better off using IsFlagSet(string), which will never throw. Although this is of limited use (AppSettings is already a NameValueCollecion), perhaps you can make use of this generic function I wrote that uses generics to convert AppSettings into a dictionary with the type of the value being the generic:

public static Dictionary<string, T> GetDictionary<T>()
 return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys.ToDictionary<string, string, T>(s => s, GetSetting<T>);

public static T GetSetting<T>(string settingName)
    T result = (T) Convert.ChangeType(
      typeof (T)
    if (result != null)
      return result;
  catch { }

  return default(T);

Please note that swallowing an exception ("catch { }") is typically considered poor form. In this particular scenario, I am aware of the possible exceptions that can be thrown by this code and I want the code to return the default(T) in this scenario and never throw.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Graceful Console Exit

When writing console apps sometimes you want to delay the closing of the console window to give the user time to read the output. Often, if something went wrong, I would simply report the error to the standard output and immediately exit the application. However that did not work too well for my users; the exit message was not displayed long enough for them to read so they knew how to correct the issue. What I needed was something that give a user enough time to read the output, but not prevent the process from exiting if it was being ran as a scheduled/automated task. The solution I came up with was a countdown timer that would block execution from proceeding until it counted back from some number to zero.

Lets view the code, shall we:

public static void CountdownTimer(int Seconds = 5)
    Console.Write("The application will now terminate...   ");

    if (Seconds < 1) return;
    if (Seconds > 9) Seconds = 9;

    for (int counter = Seconds * 10; counter > 0; counter--)
        if (Console.KeyAvailable)

        if (counter % 10 == 0)
            Console.Write("\b{0}", (counter / 10));


I print each number as the timer counts down. Each time I print a new number, I place a backspace "\b" before it to erase the previous number. To avoid having to keep track how many character a digit prints to use the same number of backspaces, I just kept the function simple by limiting the number of seconds to a max of 9.
I check for Console.KeyAvailable to detect key strokes to skip the rest of the countdown and exit immediately. The reason I did 10 Sleeps of 100ms per second was to make the exit upon key press more responsive.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Validate all input parameters in one line/Check several objects for empty or null in a single method call.

Often my methods start with several guarding clauses. That is, conditional if statements that check for null or empty parameters and immediately return if they are. This is also known as defensive programming. Usually I am not concerned with this code; indeed I identify these blocks as validation code and overlook this code entirely. It was not until recently that I noticed this as an area that I was repeating myself and could be put in a reusable function.

Lets look at the code:

/// <summary>
/// Checks the parameters for empty, nulls, or invalid states.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the params are null, empty, contains an array or object that is null or empty, contains a blank, whitespace, null or empty string, or contains DataTable that does not pass a call to IsValidDatatable().</returns>
public static bool ContainsNullOrEmpty(params object[] Items)
    if (Items == null || Items.Length < 1)
        return true;
    foreach (object item in Items)
        if (item == null)
            return true;
        if (item is string)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item as String))
                return true;
        else if (item is DataTable)
            if (!IsValidDatatable(item as DataTable))
                return true;
        if (item.GetType().IsArray)
            bool isEmpty = true;
            foreach (object itm in (Array)item)
                if (ContainsEmptyOrNulls(itm))
                    return true;
                isEmpty = false;
            if (isEmpty)
                return true;

    return false;

My approach above uses the params keyword. By using params, I can pass in any number of parameters (including zero, although that doesn't help us in this context). By using an object instead of a generic type I can pass multiple different types in one method call. If I used generics, I would have to have one method call for each type that I wanted to validate.

The idea is to cram all of your common validation logic into this method, and call it everywhere to increase the readability of your business logic by not cluttering it up with validation logic. Notice how this function also checks for empty or white-space strings, as well as calling a custom IsValidDatatable(DataTable) function. If you have several functions that return an int of -1 or 0 upon failure, you might want to add another conditional to check if (item is int) and then if the value of the integer reflects an erroneous state.

Another cool feature it that if the item is an an array, or even an array of nested arrays, it will still check every item in those arrays. Notice how I get the item type, then check the Type.IsArray property boolean. If it is true, I cast the object as an System.Array, then call ContainsEmptyOrNulls() recursively in a foreach loop. We can return true right away on the first null condition met, but we must be careful not to return on a false condition and to instead let the false conditions fall through and continue on, in the case that there is a null later or in another array.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Humorous and unhelpful Exception Class hierarchy

This post covers some of the lesser-known exception classes that exist. It is okay if you have never heard of these exception classes before... in fact, if you haven’t, that is probably a very, very good thing...

The exception that is thrown when the code has encountered a genuine ‘WTF’ moment. This is usually only reserved for areas of the code that should never be reached, or indicates a state/condition that is either invalid, unexpected, or simply illogical. It can also be thrown to indicate that the developer has no idea why something is not working, and is at his wits end, or optionally at the end of some code that the developer was absolutely certain would never work.

See Also: CodeUnreachableException, ThisShouldNeverHappenException, and SpaceTimeException.

class WTFException : Exception
    public WTFException()
        : base() { }
    public WTFException(string message, params object[] messageParams)
        : base(string.Format(message, messageParams)) { }
    public WTFException(string message, Exception innerException)
        : base(message, innerException) { }

The exception that is thrown when there is a serious problem with the fabric of space/time. Typically, the error message property will be empty or missing, as the actual even that caused this exception to be thrown has not yet occurred in the same timeline that your applications exists in. No attempt should be made to retrieve the InnerException object, as a black hole could result that would be almost certain to annihilate your code base, or possibly all of humanity. The only thing we can be certain of, however, is that your boss will be very cross with you and you will most likely get fired.

class SpaceTimeException : Exception
    public SpaceTimeException()
        : base() { }

    public SpaceTimeException(string message, Exception innerException)
        : base(message, innerException) { }

You argument is invalid. You are wrong, your reasoning makes no logical sense, and you probably failed debate class in school. Even if your argument has some semblance of being based in logic or reality, you cannot argue with the compiler, there is no point, so quit trying.

class ArgumentInvalidException : Exception
    public ArgumentInvalidException()
        : base() { }

    public ArgumentInvalidException(string message, Exception innerException)
        : base(message, innerException) { }   


This exception is thrown when the assembly executes a block of code that is unreachable. This exception should never get thrown, and is, by definition, impossible. Catching this exception is like catching a leprechaun, and should it ever happen, the CLR will ask you for three wishes.

class CodeUnreachableExeception : Exception
    public CodeUnreachableExeception()
        : base() { }

    public CodeUnreachableExeception(string message, Exception innerException)
        : base(message, innerException) { }

This exception is thrown when a developer has ran out of coffee or sufficient motivation to complete the function or feature. The exception is thrown at the exact line that the developer got up for a coffee break and never returned.

class OutOfCoffeeExecption : Exception
    public OutOfCoffeeExecption()
        : base() { }

    public OutOfCoffeeExecption(string message, Exception innerException)
        : base(message, innerException) { }

This exception is not thrown because a parameter or method specified is unknown, but rather that the implementing developer did not have the knowledge to implement the feature or method you just called, and threw this exception instead as quick and dirty solution.

class UnknownException : Exception
    public UnknownException()
        : base() { }

    public UnknownException(string message, Exception innerException)
        : base(message, innerException) { }

What? Oh this? Oh, this was not meant for you. Now move along...

class ThisIsNotTheExceptionYouAreLookingForException : Exception
    /* Move along... */

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Resize form to match the contents of DataGridView

Sometimes the sole purpose of a Form is to display a DataGridView. In that case, you probably want the Form to automatically resize to the size of the contents in the DataGridView. I've seen solutions that loop through all the rows and add up the height, but this is ugly, and usually does not take into account margins, padding, DividerHeight and row header padding. There must be a better way...

My strategy is to temporarily undock the DataGridView, set AutoSize to true, then capture the DataGridView's Size at that point, then restore the Dock and AutoSize property. Then use the captured size to resize the Winform:

// Within the Form class
private void AutoSizeFormToDataGridView()
 Size contentsSize = GetDataGridViewContentsSize();
 this.ClientSize = contentsSize;

protected Size GetDataGridViewContentsSize()
 DockStyle dockStyleSave = dataGridView1.Dock;
 dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.None;
 dataGridView1.AutoSize = true;
 Size dataContentsSize = dataGridView1.Size;
 dataGridView1.AutoSize = false;
 dataGridView1.Dock = dockStyleSave;
 return dataContentsSize;

Or alternatively you can define this as an extension method:

public static Size GetContentsSize(this DataGridView dataGrid) { //...


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Captcha: Drawing Text along a Bézier Spline

The following post/code will achieve something to the effect of:

All this code, and this article was inspired by
Explanation of the math and why it works will come shortly. In the meantime, please see the above link for a detailed explanation.

This code assumes you have already drawn some text on your GraphicsPath. Here is the code to transform your GraphicsPath text to follow a cubic Bézier Spline:

GraphicsPath BezierWarp(GraphicsPath text,Size size)
 // Control points for a cubic Bézier spline
 PointF P0 = new PointF();
 PointF P1 = new PointF();
 PointF P2 = new PointF();
 PointF P3 = new PointF();
 float shrink = 20;
 float shift = 0;
 P0.X = shrink;
 P0.Y = shrink+shift;
 P1.X = size.Width-shrink;
 P1.Y = shrink;
 P2.X = shrink;
 P2.Y = size.Height-shrink;
 P3.X = size.Width-shrink;
 P3.Y = size.Height-shrink-shift;

 // Calculate coefficients A thru H from the control points
 float A = P3.X - 3 * P2.X + 3 * P1.X - P0.X;
 float B = 3 * P2.X - 6 * P1.X + 3 * P0.X;
 float C = 3 * P1.X - 3 * P0.X;
 float D = P0.X;

 float E = P3.Y - 3 * P2.Y + 3 * P1.Y - P0.Y;
 float F = 3 * P2.Y - 6 * P1.Y + 3 * P0.Y;
 float G = 3 * P1.Y - 3 * P0.Y;
 float H = P0.Y;

 PointF[] pathPoints = text.PathPoints;
 RectangleF textBounds = text.GetBounds();
 for (int i =0; i  < pathPoints.Length; i++)
  PointF pt = pathPoints[i];
  float textX = pt.X;
  float textY = pt.Y;
  // Normalize the x coordinate into the parameterized
  // value with a domain between 0 and 1.
  float t  =  textX / textBounds.Width;
  float t2 = (t * t);
  float t3 = (t * t * t);
  // Calculate spline point for parameter t
  float Sx = A * t3 + B * t2 + C * t + D;
  float Sy = E * t3 + F * t2 + G * t + H;
  // Calculate the tangent vector for the point
  float Tx = 3 * A * t2 + 2 * B * t + C;
  float Ty = 3 * E * t2 + 2 * F * t + G;

  // Rotate 90 or 270 degrees to make it a perpendicular
  float Px = - Ty;
  float Py =   Tx;
  // Normalize the perpendicular into a unit vector
  float magnitude = (float)Math.Sqrt((Px*Px) + (Py*Py));
  Px /= magnitude;
  Py /= magnitude;
  // Assume that input text point y coord is the "height" or
  // distance from the spline.  Multiply the perpendicular
  // vector with y. it becomes the new magnitude of the vector
  Px *= textY;
  Py *= textY;
  // Translate the spline point using the resultant vector
  float finalX = Px + Sx;
  float finalY = Py + Sy;
  pathPoints[i] = new PointF(finalX, finalY);
 return new GraphicsPath(pathPoints,text.PathTypes);

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gracefull error handling with a global exception handler

Every published C# application should have graceful error handling. Here I show you the implementation of a global exception handler using ThreadExceptionEventHandler.

First, you have to add System.Threading to both your Program.cs and Mainform.cs:
// Program.cs and Mainform.cs
using System.Threading;

Then add an event handler to Application.ThreadException:
// Program.cs
// static class Program {
//  private static void Main(string[] args) {
Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(MainForm.MyExceptionHandler);
// Application.Run(new MainForm());

Or, if you are writing a console app, add an event handler to AppDomain.UnhandledException:
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(MyExceptionHandler);

Then add the exception handler body:
// Mainform.cs
public static void MyExceptionHandler(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)

The example here simply shows a message box, but an even more graceful approach would be to log all the unhanded exceptions to a log file. That way, the errors are transparent to the user, but the developer still has access to detailed debug information.

Here is the full code: