Showing posts with label GCD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GCD. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pseudo 'random' even distribution table

In my last post, I discussed what a co-prime is and showed you to find them.

So, what's so special about relatively prime numbers? Well, then can be used to create an one-for-one distribution table that is seemingly random, but is deterministically calculated (created).

To understand what I mean, picture the face of a clock...

It has the hours 1 through 12, and if you and an hour to 12, you get 1. This can also be thought of as a single digit in a base 12 number system. Now we need a co-prime to 12. 7 is relatively prime to 12, so lets choose 7.

Starting at hour 1, if we add 7 hours, it will be 8. If we add 7 more hours, we will get 3. 7 more, 10. If we keep adding 7 hours to our clock, the hour hand will land on each of the different numbers exactly once before repeating itself, 12 steps later. Intrigued yet?

If, say, we find a co-prime to the largest number that can be represented by a byte (8-bits, 256 [also expressed as 2^8=256 or 8=Log2(256)]), we can create an array of bytes with a length of 256, containing each of the 256 different possible bytes, distributed in a seemingly random order. The discrete order, or sequence, in which each each number is visited it completely dependent on the value of the co-prime that was selected.

This table is now essentially a one-to-one, bijective mapping of one byte to another. To express this mapping to another party, say to map a stream of bytes back to their original values (decrypt), the entire table need not be exchanged, only the co-prime.

This provides a foundation for an encryption scheme who's technical requirements are similar to handling a cipher-block-chain (CBC) and its changing IV (initialization vector).

Now, it it easy to jump to the conclusion that such an encryption scheme is less secure than a CBC, but this is not necessarily the case. While this approach may be conceptually more simple, the difficulty of discovering the sequence can be made arbitrarily hard.

First of all, the number of relatively prime numbers to 256 is probably infinite. A co-prime to 256 does not have to be less than 256. Indeed, it may be several thousand time greater than 256. Additionally, any prime greater than 256 is, by definition, co-prime to 256, and likely will have a seemingly more 'random' distribution/appearance.

There is, however, a limit here. It does not have to do with the number of co-primes, but is instead limited by the number of possible sequences that can be represented by our array of 256 bytes; eventually, two different co-primes are going to map to the same unique sequence. The order matters, and we don't allow repetition to exist in our sequence. This is called a permutation without repetition, and can be expressed as 256! or 256 factorial and is instructing one to calculate the product of 256 * 255 * 254 * 253 * [...] * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1, which equals exactly this number:


Yeah, that's right, that number has exactly 63 zeros on the end and is 507 digits long. (As an aside, the reason there is so many zeros on the end of this number is, well for one it is highly composite, but more specifically, its prime factorization includes 2^255 and 5^63 and so 63 fives multiply with 63 of those twos to make 63 tens, and hence that many zeros.)

Above I said arbitrarily hard. So far we have only considered one table, but try and fathom the complexity of many tables. I present three different ways to use multiple tables; Nested, sequentially, and mangled.
Furthermore, the distribution tables can be discarded and replaced.

I will explain what those mean and finish this post tomorrow.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Greatest common divisor & Co-primeness

Below are three different methods for finding the greatest common divisor of a number. I provide a method using modulus, one using Euclid's method, and one that uses the Stein method.

Believe it or not, the modulus method has the best performance. I would have guessed the Stein method. Credit goes to blackwasp for the stein method.

public static uint FindGCDModulus(uint value1, uint value2)
        while(value1 != 0 && value2 != 0)
                if (value1 > value2)
                        value1 %= value2;
                        value2 %= value1;
        return Math.Max(value1, value2);

public static uint FindGCDEuclid(uint value1, uint value2)
        while(value1 != 0 && value2 != 0)
                if (value1 > value2)
                        value1 -= value2;
                        value2 -= value1;
        return Math.Max(value1, value2);

public static uint FindGCDStein(uint value1, uint value2)
        if (value1 == 0) return value2;
        if (value2 == 0) return value1;
        if (value1 == value2) return value1;

        bool value1IsEven = (value1 & 1u) == 0;
        bool value2IsEven = (value2 & 1u) == 0;
        if (value1IsEven && value2IsEven)
                return FindGCDStein(value1 >> 1, value2 >> 1) << 1;
        else if (value1IsEven && !value2IsEven)
                return FindGCDStein(value1 >> 1, value2);
        else if (value2IsEven)
                return FindGCDStein(value1, value2 >> 1);
        else if (value1 > value2)
                return FindGCDStein((value1 - value2) >> 1, value2);
                return FindGCDStein(value1, (value2 - value1) >> 1);

Here are the results of my benchmark tests:

Stein: 36.4657 milliseconds.
Euclid: 31.2369 milliseconds.
Modulus: 7.5199 milliseconds.

Yeah, I couldn't believe it either, the modulus approach is the fastest!

Here is the benchmark code that I created:

public class CodeStopwatch
        //int m_pointer;
        Stopwatch m_elapsed;
        public CodeStopwatch()

        public double Stop()
                return m_elapsed.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
        public void Reset()
                m_elapsed = new Stopwatch();

public class CoprimeBenchmark
        public delegate bool IsCoprimeDelegate(uint value1, uint value2);
        public List<uint> FindCoprimesDelegate(uint quantity,IsCoprimeDelegate isCoprime)
                List<uint> results = new List<uint>();
                if(quantity<2) {
                        return results;
                for (uint count = 2; count < quantity; count++)
                return results;
        public static bool IsCoprimeModulus(uint value1, uint value2)
                return FindGCDModulus(value1, value2) == 1;
        public static bool IsCoprimeEuclid(uint value1, uint value2)
                return FindGCDEuclid(value1, value2) == 1;
        public static bool IsCoprimeStein(uint value1, uint value2)
                return FindGCDStein(value1, value2) == 1;

        // [ Please refer to methods above. Ommited for brevity. ]
        public static uint FindGCDModulus(uint value1, uint value2) { ... }
        public static uint FindGCDEuclid(uint value1, uint value2) { ... }
        public static uint FindGCDStein(uint value1, uint value2) { ... }

Usage of above classes:

// Button OnClick event
void ButtonBenchmarkClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        uint number = 50000;
        List<uint> resultsStein = new List<uint>();
        List<uint> resultsEuclid = new List<uint>();
        List<uint> resultsModulus = new List<uint>();
        CoprimeBenchmark cop = new CoprimeBenchmark();
        CodeStopwatch time = new CodeStopwatch();
        resultsStein = cop.FindCoprimesDelegate(number,CoprimeBenchmark.IsCoprimeStein);
        string stein = time.Stop().ToString();
        time = new CodeStopwatch();
        resultsEuclid = cop.FindCoprimesDelegate(number,CoprimeBenchmark.IsCoprimeEuclid);
        string euclid = time.Stop().ToString();
        time = new CodeStopwatch();
        resultsModulus = cop.FindCoprimesDelegate(number,CoprimeBenchmark.IsCoprimeModulus);
        string modulus = time.Stop().ToString();
        textBoxOutput.Text = "Stein:\t" + stein + " milliseconds." + Environment.NewLine;
        textBoxOutput.Text += "Euclid:\t" + euclid + " milliseconds." + Environment.NewLine;
        textBoxOutput.Text += "Modulus:\t" + modulus + " milliseconds." + Environment.NewLine;
        textBoxOutput.Text += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
        foreach(uint a in resultsStein)
                textBoxOutput.Text += a.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
        textBoxOutput.Text += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
        foreach(uint b in resultsEuclid)
                textBoxOutput.Text += b.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
        textBoxOutput.Text += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
        foreach(uint c in resultsModulus)
                textBoxOutput.Text += c.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;


Now, I will take the fastest algorithm and show you the code for finding co-primness and a list of co-primes for a given number.

Finding co-primness is simple; Two numbers are relatively prime to each other if their greatest common divisor is equal to one.

My function FindCoprimes returns a List<uint> of co-primes given a number and a range

public static class Coprimes
        public static List<uint> FindCoprimes(uint number,uint min,uint max)
                if(max<2 || min<2 || max<=min || number<1) {    return null;    }
                List<uint> results = new List<uint>();
                for(uint counter = min; counter<max; counter++) {
                        if(IsCoprime(number,counter)) {
                return results;
        public static bool IsCoprime(uint value1, uint value2)
                return FindGCDModulus(value1, value2) == 1;

Pretty easy!

What is so special about co-primes? Well, one thing I use co-primes for is for making an evenly distributed table. For an explanation and the code, see my post on Evenly Distributed Tables.