Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thinq - A Linq Experiment

Thinq - A Linq Experiment

   View/Download the source code from the project's GitHub

   So I wrote a program, just an experiment, where I was making a range class using IEnumerables (C#), and each element doesn't have to increment by one, but any amount. so I was creating ranges like 7 to 10 million, increment by 7, so upon enumeration it would yield multiples of 7. This is also called arithmetic progression.

   Then I started combining different multiples with query operators like Where operator or Intersect like IEnumerable result = multiples7.Intersect(multiples13.MoveNext()), essentially creating a function that keeps only those numbers that are multiples of both 7 and 13, starting with the least common multiple.

   So I began testing. After some playing, I decided to take the first 7 primes, and find any common multiples to them between 1 and 10 million. Much to my surprise, it found all the common multiples of the first 7 prime numbers under 10 million (there are only two of them, 4849845 & 9699690), and it did it in 500 milliseconds on some very modest hardware (1 core, 2.16GHz, 4GB ram).

   I bumped up the ceiling to 50 million and I got an OutOfMemoryException because the IEnumerable holds on to every value it gets from the function MoveNext(). I threw in some metrics and discovered that it took about 3 seconds and some 32-million, 64-bit integers for my computer to declare 'out of memory'.

   Well, at least it was fast, even if it did eat up all my ram in 3 seconds, it was still promising. 

   The solution was to create an IEnumerator that was aware of the arithmetic sequences that constrained the results set. When MoveNext() is called repeatedly during enumeration, I avoid the infinite memory requirement by restricting the result set returned from MoveNext(); it returns the next whole number that is divisible by every arithmetic sequence's 'common difference', or increment value. In this way, you have created a enumerable sequence that is the _intersection_ of all of the sequences.

   The enumerator is prevented from running to infinity by obeying two limits: A maximum numeric value (cardinal) that GetNext() will return to ("results less than 50 million") and a maximum quantity of results (ordinal) that GetNext() yields ("the one millionth result").    If either of these limits are exceeded, the while loop will fail to evaluate to true. It is very common for my processor-intensive, long running or 'mathy' applications to employ a temporal limit (maximum time-to-live) or support cancellation, but this little experiment has been so performant that I have been able to get by without one.

   So what kind of improvement did we get out of our custom enumerable? I can now find all the common factors for the first 8 prime numbers up to 1 billion in 25 seconds! I was impressed; the application used to max out around 50 million and run out of memory, and now it can investigate to one billion in a reasonable amount of time and the memory it uses is not much more than the 8 or so integers in the result set. 1 billion, however seems to be the sweet spot for my single 2.13 GHz laptop. I ran the same 8 primes to 2 billion and it took 1 minute, 12 seconds:

TIME ELAPSED: 01:12.38
LCM[3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23] (max 2,000,000,000)



Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mixed Radix Numeral System class and Counter

Mixed Radix Calculator

   My 'Mixed Radix Calculator' creates a counting system of radices (plural of radix), such as base 12 or mixed radices such as Minutes/Hours/Days/Years: 365:24:60:60. I choose the left side to be the most significant side. This is merely a personal preference, and my MixedRadixSystem class supports displaying both alignments.

   Of course you dont have to choose a mixed radix numeral system, you can count in an N-base numeral system, such as base 7 or a more familiar base 16. Another feature lies in my RadixNumeral class. Each numeral, or place value, supports having its own dictionary of symbols.

Screenshot of Mixed Radix Calculator
      (Project released under Creative Commons)

-  52:7:24:60:60:1000  -

  A numeral system (or system of numeration) is a writing system for expressing numbers.

  The most familiar one is of course the decimal numeral system. This is a 10-base numbering system. Computers use a binary numeral system. The base is sometimes called the radix or scale.

  Not all numbering systems have just one base. Take for example, how we currently divide time: There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 365 days in a year. This is called a mixed radix numeral system, and one might express the above mixed radix system like: 365:24:60:60.

  I haven't found a lot of use cases for it yet, but it is interesting. I originally built this because I wanted to experiment with numeral systems that uses increasing consecutive prime numbers for each radix, as well as experiment with some off-bases, such as base 3 or base 7.

  In a single base, say base 7, then 'round numbers' with only one place value having a 1 and the rest having zeros, such as 1:0:0:0:0 (in base 7), such numbers are powers of 7, and ever other number except for the 1's place value is a multiple of 7.

  A mixed radix numeral system can represent a polynomial, and possibly provide for a simpler way to visualize and reason about them.

  Yet another possible use is to make a numeral system with a base that is larger than and co-prime to some other target number (say 256) to make a bijective map from every value in a byte to some other value exactly once by repeatedly adding the value of the co-prime, modulus 256. This can appear rather random (or sometimes not at all) but the mapping is easily determined given the co-prime. I have talked about this notion before on my blog

  If you like this project you would probably like my project EquationFinder, it finds equations given constraints

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Threaded Equation Finder

Threaded Equation Finder

Find arithmetic equations that equates to a given 'target' value, number of terms, and operators.


   You should all be familiar with how a typical computer works; you give it some variables, describe some quantities of some resources you have, choose an algorithm, let it process, and it returns to you a result or outcome. Now imagine a computer if you could work with a computer that worked the other way around. I believe it was Douglas Adams that described the notion of an all-together different type of computer; That is, you tell the computer what you want the outcome to be, and it goes off figuring out how to get there and what you need to do it. Z3, the Theorem Prover, and the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) solver (and probably others) in Microsoft's Solver Foundation do almost exactly that.
   There is also the idea of Backcasting, which is a similar, but different idea.

   My program isn't as fancy as all that, but it does find equations that equates to a given 'target' value, albeit at random. You define constraints other than just the target value, such as what operators are allowed in the equation, the quantity of terms there, and the range or set of allowed terms.
For example, how many different ways can 9 nines equal 27, using only addition, subtraction, and multiplication, if evaluated left-to-right (ignore the order of operations)? Turns out there are only 67 ways.

(above) Application Screen Shot

How it works

   The actual approach for finding equations that equate to an arbitrary target or 'goal' value is rather primitive. By way of Brute Force, several threads are launched asynchronously to generate thousands of random equations, evaluate them and keep the results that have not been found yet.

   This is something I wrote approx. 2 years ago. I dug it up and decided to publish it, because I thought it was interesting. As this was an 'experiment', I created different ways of storing and evaluating the expressions, and have made those different 'strategies' conform to a common interface so I could easily swap them out to compare the different strategies. I have refactored the code so that each class that implements IEquation is in its own project and creates its own assembly.

   There are two fully-working strategies for representing equations: one that represented the equation as a list of 2-tuples (Term,Operator), did not perform order of operations, and was rather obtuse. The other strategy was to store the equation as a string and evaluate it using MSScriptControl.ScriptControl to Eval the string as a line of VBScript. This was unsurprisingly slower but allowed for much more robust equation evaluation. Order of operations is respected with the ScriptControl strategy, and opens the way to using using parenthesis.

   The other idea for a strategy which I have not implemented but would like to, would be a left-recursive Linq.Expression builder. Also, maybe I could somehow use Microsoft Solver Foundation for a wiser equation generation strategy than at random.


   Today, however, there are better architectures. A concurrent system like this would benefit greatly from the Actor model. If you wanted to write complex queries against the stream of equations being generated or selected or solved, maybe reactive extensions would be a slam dunk.

   Although this project certainly is no Z3, it does provide an example of an interface... perhaps even a good one.

Running on Raspberry Pi 2

   Microsoft's Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) might be a good thing here, but I also wrote a console client that is designed to be ran with Mono on the Raspberry Pi 2. MEF is a proprietary Microsoft .NET technology that is not supported in Mono. The extra meta data in the assembly shouldn't be a problem, but having a dependency on the MEF assembly will be. Probing of the runtime environment and dynamically loading of assemblies is required here, which I have not had time to do, so at this time, there is no MEF.

   The reason the mono client is a console application is because mono and winforms on the Raspberry Pi 2 fails for some people. The problem has something to do with a hardware floating point vs a software float, and it happens to manifest itself when using a TextBox control. The only thing that I haven't tried, and that should presumably fix it, is to re-build mono from the latest source.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Certificate Enumerator

     Recently, my windows quit updating. Just prior to that, I had been messing around with my certificate store, so I suspected that to be the cause. Running Microsoft's troubleshooter reset the download, which I had a lot of hope of fixing the issue, but the download still continued to to fail. I decided to check the Windows Event Logs, and that's where I found an error message about a certificate in the chain failing. I knew it! However, I did not know whether a trusted certificate accidentally got put in the untrusted store, or whether an untrusted certificate was accidentally put in the trusted store. I needed a way to search all of my certificates' thumbprints or serial numbers against a know repository of trusted or untrusted certificates.
    Microsoft's certificate snap-in for MMC does not allow you to view certificates in an efficient way. Opening them one at a time, manually, and then scrolling all the way down to where the thumbprint is displayed to compare it to a webpage is painful. Also, I was not satisfied with the way that Microsoft allows you to search the certificate store. The search is not very effective and you cant even search for thumbprints! Also I do not believe the search feature allows you anyway to copy any of that information to clipboard.
Most of what I needed to accomplish could simply be done if I could just export all of my computers certificates thumbprint or serial numbers to a text file, csv file, or other simple and searchable format. Then I thought to myself, I know how to do that! It was the great the lack of features of the MMC certificate snap-in, and the inability to search for certificate thumbprints that inspired me to write my own certificate utility, known simply as Certificate Enumerator.

     CertificateEnumerator can list every certificate in your various certificate stores for your local machine and currently logged in user. It can then display that information to you either in a DataGridView or TextBox (as columnarized text), and provides the ability to persist that information to file as text, comma separated values (CSV), excel format or HTML table.

     The Certificate Enumerator also has the ability to 'validate' each certificate against its CRL (certificate revocation list), if it supplied one.

     The GUI could really use some love. In case you missed it, the project is on my GitHub, so feel free to download the source and play with it. If you come up with useful, submit a pull request.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Finding a date range in SQL

    At work, we use log4net, and we have the appender (or logging output location) set up to be AdoNetAppender, so thus it logs to a SQL database. In the Log table, there is a column called [Date], and it has the sql type of datetime.

    Often, when querying the Log table, you only want to view the most recent dates. lets say within the last week. You could always ORDER BY [Date] DESC of course, but suppose we wanted more control than that, such as only last week's dates.

    The SQL keywords (and functions) that are relevant here are BETWEEN, GETDATE and DATEADD.

    Here is the SQL code:

     [Date] BETWEEN
      DATEADD(dd, -7, GETDATE())
      DATEADD(dd,  1, GETDATE())

     [Date] DESC

    The BETWEEN keyword should be pretty self-explanatory, as should the GETDATE function. The secret sauce here lies within the DATEADD function.

    The SQL function DATEADD has this signature: DATEADD (datepart, number, date) 

    The DATEADD function adds a number to a component of DATETIME, in this case, days. This number can be negative to subtract time from a DATETIME, as is the case with our example. The datepart parameter is what determines what component of the DATETIME we are adding to. You can add as much as a year, or as little as a nanosecond (what, no picoseconds? *laugh*). Microsoft's Transact-SQL MSDN page for DATEADD supplies the following table for datepart:

yy, yyyy
qq, q
mm, m
dy, y
dd, d
wk, ww
dw, w
mi, n
ss, s

    In the example, I am subtracting 7 days from the current date. If you are making a stored procedure, this variable can be replaced with a parameter:

 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetLogEntriesRange]
     @RangeInDays int
     DECLARE @DaysToAdd int
     SET @DaysToAdd = (0 - @RangeInDays)

      [Date] BETWEEN
       DATEADD(dd, @DaysToAdd, GETDATE())
       DATEADD(dd,  1, GETDATE())
      [Date] DESC

    Enjoy, I hope this helps!